by Malethoth Kazyanenko
CCC 35 - Mechanisms of Iniquity pt II: The Decidivist

What the fuck is this character development shit get it out of my CanCopCon, ew gross ::vomits:: sorry >:[ blow it out your ass critics. Anyway this is some more perspective stuff. It's getting REALLY HARD to draw comics with enough room for my text. I mean, so much of the first panel is obscured, and that bums me out. Ugh, this stuff is so hard to do.
Also, I want to take this opportunity to pimp an EXTREMELY good comic, Powerup. It's pretty much the greatest thing ever in all respects. I can't say anything beyond: dear Lord this is good. The characters are so real, the art is fantastic, the humor is brilliant. YOU LOVE IT!
~Malethoth K.

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