by Malethoth Kazyanenko
CCC 39 - Misunderstood Genius II

Here's the second part of the series. Am I the only one who's noticed that Theodore Kaczynski, Eric Harris, Dylan Klebold, Seung-Hui Cho, et cetera happen to be in the 99th percentile of damn near everything? These people aren't raving lunatics, they're geniuses who are sick of the establishment. It's not exactly outlandish to believe that the USA is filled with incompetent assholes, and it's not exactly insane to want to get rid of them. Is it such a crime to want to improve the world?
Of course, blowing people up isn't always the best way to do it. Kaczynski himself said that his letter bombs were an absolute last resort, and he only killed people because he was incapable of transmitting his message through the usual channels. There is certainly something horribly wrong when people blow one another up. However, I think the blame is misplaced-- we should not condemn Kaczynski or bin Laden for having the daring to implement their vision of a better world with irrefutable force; we should blame the established oligarchy of entrenched plutocrats for creating a world so far from ideal that the only way to rectify it is with plastic explosives.
~Malethoth K.

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