by Malethoth Kazyanenko
CCC 33 - He Wants To Be a Coroner When He Grows Up Because They're His Favorite Band

A little insight into Keith: He's on the forensics team. Lulz wot a nerd mirite der her hurf durf ::chokes on bile::. Uh, yeah, this would basically be the first story arc remixed, except for the fact that I'm not going to bother showing that Soren is a grumpy asshole when he's with other people. I'm not going to tell you what I WILL show, but believe me when I say that this arc isn't just going to be a clone of the one I already did. The first one introduced you to the fact that I'm capable of sustained narrative; this next one is intended to introduce you to the characters proper.
This comic took me a long time to draw. Normally, I do the entire comic on an 8½ x 11 sheet of white paper, then scan and letter that. It allows me to know at all times that I have the same proportions and is a little quicker. This one, however, the first panel ended up eating an entire page, and so I decided to construct it out of panels drawn separately. In fact, it turns out that since I scale everything down to a set pixel width anyway, it doesn't matter that they're completely different sizes on paper... But regardless, this is yet another "experiment" in format, the 450x1350 (as opposed to the 200x800, 400x400, 800x1050, and 650x800 I've been using in the past). Depending on how well this works, I might try to consolidate the comic down to a vertical row that's much narrower--unless, of course, I do a page like that first party scene where I want to necessarily have a more complicated flow than just the raw vertical. There'll probably be a lot of compromise and mix-and-match involved, as I splice large single panels with full pages of laid-out comics and hope I can keep the font size consistent (I letter the comics BEFORE I reduce them to 72dpi so GIMP does anti-aliasing for me for free).
In case all that was too much technical stuff for you, here's a boner joke:
Did you hear about the naked guy who ran through the church?
They caught him by the organ.
~Malethoth K.

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