by Malethoth Kazyanenko
CCC 34 - Coma Patients and the Women Who Love Them

Yeah, with that last comic I forgot that I work nearly two weeks ahead of schedule. On the one hand, it means that you're almost guaranteed to have my comic update every two days, even if I go four or five days without feeling like drawing anything. On the other hand, it means if I write a topical joke (like the meteor one), it's almost certainly going to be obsolete by the time it goes live. It's a double-edged sword, and I'm gonna have to try to think of ways around it. In any case, not only was this story chronologically nonsensical, it wasn't very interesting. I can develop the Soren/Keith dynamic at my leisure without any dedicated story strips, since that's the entire premise of the early strips, and going to a party again isn't a great idea. Did I just run out of ideas during the first story arc? Whatever.
So, I broke the fourth wall (this is the second or third time, depending on how you count it, that I've done so) and the person in panel one is, in fact, me. This is one thing I pride myself on: I don't draw myself the same way I draw my self-insert (do I even have a self-insert? hmm, nobody knows! kekeke) except with longer hair. It's creepy and ego-centric and I'll have no part of it.
This is not, in fact, a story arc comic. The comic will not start to take place in 2010, this is not a canonical development, it's just a joke about racism and how the world changes while we're not paying attention. By 02/19 we'll be back to 2008.
~Malethoth K.

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